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The goal of this package is to make it easy to query and analyse the works of Lenin.

If you would prefer to work with Lenin’s work in their original Russian, please see leninism. These databases are not fully comparable; some documents may be present in one and not in the other.

Getting started

The Easy Way

If you would like to use the tidy data in the format provided, simply install this package from github using devtools:


Then, simply load the package and play around with the available data frame, leninru

library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

lenin %>%
  head() %>%
  mutate(text = substring(text, 1, 30)) # for nicer README printing
#>                        url              title text_annotation
#> 1 works/1893/dec/00ppm.htm To:   P. P. Maslov            <NA>
#> 2 works/1893/dec/00ppm.htm To:   P. P. Maslov            <NA>
#> 3 works/1893/dec/00ppm.htm To:   P. P. Maslov            <NA>
#> 4 works/1893/dec/00ppm.htm To:   P. P. Maslov            <NA>
#> 5 works/1893/dec/00ppm.htm To:   P. P. Maslov            <NA>
#> 6 works/1893/dec/00ppm.htm To:   P. P. Maslov            <NA>
#>                             text year
#> 1  I received your letter the da 1893
#> 2  I am very sorry you did not f 1893
#> 3  I am expecting from you a cri 1893
#> 4  I offered the article to Russ 1893
#> 5  It would be very interesting  1893
#> 6  The basic premise in my comme 1893

From Scratch

If you would like to run the data compilation scripts yourself from scratch, you will need to download the texts from the Marxists Internet Archive (MIA). MIA provides instructions for (respectfully) downloading portions of their archives in their FAQ.

The scripts in data-raw assume you have already run the following commands. You will also need to have your working directory appropriately set.

mkdir lenin
cd lenin
wget -mpnp -nH -N -t 3 -w .5

This took me about 2.5 hours to pull, but others have reported it taking substantially longer. If your command is interrupted, you can restart it again.

I don’t want to use R

If you’d like the tidied data available in this package, but would prefer to use another language to perform your analysis, assuming you have R installed and you’ve downloaded this package from github using the code above, you can run the following lines to export the data as a text file:

write.csv(lenin, "lenin.csv", row.names = FALSE)